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Polus Cellular Core Network is our all-in-one standalone cellular solution, providing our Polus Terminal units with the power to connect people with rock-solid signals and unparalleled functionality.

Reliable Connectivity for Remote and Emergency Operations

As the Polus Terminal units get deployed in areas with little-to-no cellular coverage, be it for remote operations or emergency response efforts, a connection is needed that is not only powerful, but reliable as well. Through Cloud-native architecture, and widespread support for cellular technologies and features, Polus Cellular Core Network acts as the backbone for that connection.

Compatibility from 2G to 5G

Ensuring Cellular Core Network can be deployed anywhere.

Full Support for All Cellular Services

Voice, SMS, streaming, data, mass notification, and localization services.

Primed and Ready for Large-Scale Deployment

Offering unparalleled scalability, reliability, and sustainability.

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